This is it, our last day with the wagon on the road. We cross directly over the mountains and straight to Goght, which is where we will spend the night. The pass is huge and ticks just over 3200 meters. The wagon, suffering from a fan hub issues and now a bad intercooler is not overly impressed with our road choice but soldiers on without complaint. Cresting the pass with out a single break for heat related issues.
On our way up we pass a small camp, herders, Asareh wants to see, so I spin the wagon around and drop into the valley below, we arrive to a warm welcome from the men in the area, then the women showed. We are quickly ushered into the main tent, where we are supplied breakfast, they are so friendly, and eventually we find out they are Kurdish, this is after 40 minutes of struggling to translate, one of the mothers dropped a word Asareh knew. Then after that it was smooth sailing. We took some photos, left them with chocolate and whiskey and carried on.
Nearing the peak, we spot a whole crew of hikers, it’s a great day for it. Slight breeze and sorta sunny. We finally do start the downward trek, finding once again, a super cool looking tractor. We end our day arriving at 3g’s camp and immediately begin stripping the vehicle. We have only today to really clean it, and a bit of tomorrow morning. Pina helps by sleeping in the back. Which makes my job easy as I don’t have to worry about where he has gone.