So this is not the first time in Iran, I was here the year prior, and did a bit more foot work since we didn’t have a car. So here is a little bit of our previous trip I thought fit in quite well.

I guess we will start with my little adventure out to Zineh Gan cave. I went with Arash and her uncle, we got our hands on a little Suzuki 4wd, even drove through rivers to get out there. We had an absolute blast, walked probably 5kms overall through the caves then up over the fields on top.  Some areas are cave like, but most is a tight canyon, with waterfalls falling internally all over. When we got to the end our footwear did not allow us to climb the final stretch, but we did try.

Jeans were maybe not the pants of choice, but it was worth it for the end when we were in the sun, kept me cool for the walk out. At one point we are only 5kms from the Iraq border, which at the time I thought was pretty wild. Following this we end up going for a picnic south of Ilam where we did a mountain climb with another uncle, Straight up, why do they do this? Everyone is older yet bullshit fit. Its insane, they are all part of mountain climbing clubs and are making me look slightly out of shape. But on the way we see silk caterpillars? And the view is great to boot. I am always on the hunt for fossils, this time no luck. Maybe next round.  We also light so tree sap on fire to show us how it can be sued to start fires if required, so it’s a bit of a survival training adventure as well.

Back in Ilam we can t avoid hitting up the local area for lunch, these little wraps are incredible, mix with a cold pepsi you will be god to go for the day.

We do 1 final meet up where the local nomads are in their black tents, we are allowed to see how they make butter, I even have a crack, and of course tour the area. The father is more than happy to allow me to see his gun. So of course I need to pose with it. The picnic area is not quite level, but we still play a ton of games which seems to always end in chasing the ball 100 meters down the hill to retrieve, I am a natural at their version of dodgeball.

We finally have to leave and make our way back to Isfahan, but on the way stop for dinner at Kermanshah for juja kebab, which is basically saffron flavoured chicken. To die for. Love it, can even make it myself now. The drive through the mountains is windy and provides some great views, but I didn’t bring my good camera for this trip.


Our final stop on the way out of Kermanshah is for Cok, yes… pronounced just like that. But tis cookies, and every laughs about it. But it is tasty. *insert inappropriate joke here*

Getting fuel the station attendant tells Arash that my shoes scream Iranian, yet im Australian which is hilarious as I am wear the locals blue sandal that everyone owns, as it was borrowed due to my thongs breaking. We are rolling in 2 prides, horsepower machines I tell you!

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