- Nice try Datsun
- Birthday Boy!!!!
We are all somehow awake at 7am, although a bit rough around the edges. I have a nice bowl of cereal and enjoy a bit of peace before a few flies come out of hiding and start to annoy me. Hutchy has new lamps he is opening, solar powered, pretty keen to test them that night. After showers we get some fuel and rock and roll down Skull Springs road. First stop, the old amethyst mine, Asareh had never been, although we had snuck out on night shift to see it a few years back. It’s a lot longer drive then I remember. We pick a few rocks for our toy digger at home and enjoy a cool drink.
- Filling up
- At the Amethyst mine
- Flexing the muscle
- Purple all over
Tonight’s camp site is a place called Running Waters, and after a couple hour drive down skull springs that water was well welcomed. But first back to the drive, First up, No aircon in the old wagon, gas had leaked out and I couldn’t get it fixed, so its windows down and 35c but there is next to no dust getting it and we are rather happy.
Passing the skull springs sign we stop for a photo op, the sign is marked by heaps of broken springs which show just how tough this country is to get around in. We also find a heap of old mine sites.
- Old shallow shaft
- Posed up
- We made it!!
- Happy campers
Another 15km down the road we click into 4wd and do a very short drive to our camp nestled in the trees right next to the water, the clearest water. As a bonus, there is a rope swing. I try a few flips and what not but am nowhere near as good as I thought I was. Steaks for dinner, we test some lights and enjoy a few beers. A solid win, the sky is clear and we enjoy a great night view followed by a woman screaming bloody murder. Unsure if it was a murder or what. Sounded a bit to real for my liking, but as normal I fall asleep anyways. The nights are still cool making the trip a win, a great way to spend my birthday.