A solid sleep and away we go for day 3. A trip planned to reach Mt. Agustus about 200kms to the east, but of course on route I go hunting for old mines, which lead to a field of quartz but no old pits sadly, and an old shearing shed on cobra station.
Making my way the hard way
Yes thats a road.. and a good one
It was a good 45km side track, but always worth it to get the red dirt on the car, the road slowly got worse and worse but I kept pushing.
Had to stop for a refuel, due to no fuel at Gascoyne. This involves emptying everything out and loaded the 100L fuel cell by hand onto a blue box to start the gravity feed using a jiggle hose.
Motoring on I actually ended up at Minnie Creek station and asked permission to continue through there station back to the main road, a short 21km side track and a couple of gates later. I quickly found myself in the bulldust again
If you open it, close it.
This was before any dust issues
Then found myself at a water crossing….welcome to Western Straya
Down the road I ended up at cobra station and had a peek in the old shearing shed, cool place to have a look around. lots of old mines in the area but i only found piles of quarts
Apparently these are quite rare in this good of condition
After I was satisfied with my exploring it was time to head for a quick dip near the Mount.
Then a hike up the mount. Always worth the view.