Blasting along the highway at a blistering 97ish kmh I push all the way to Newman from Perth in 1 day. It seems I have a headwind regardless of the direction I travel, putting a speed cap on the old rig. Speaking of old rig, I did a few upgrades and added a roof rack and awning for this trip, and boy did it come in handy. Definitely worth the upgrade.
- New rack and awning
- Cleaned up and ready
- Dally For brekky
- Posed up because why not
I pulled into the cappy after about 13 hours on the road and grabbed a parmi like every good Aussie does. That beer was well earned. I pulled into Newman in the dark to find no campsites so Upon talking to a local they said you can camp at the info center or footy field, which was in use, so sleeping in the parking lot it was. Met a nice old couple on there way around and had a red can or 2.
Bit of a restless night as cars come and go 24 hours a day in the mining town. But I did eventually fall asleep as the weather cooled down.
- Cold beer makes the pain go away
- Nice enough spot…LOL