During our time here we spent a solid day almost exploring the city, well that is left of it, Founded in 1970 it was to be the poster child for soviet cities, it had averything, apartments, amusement parks, schools, the works. It was sectioned into micro districts with most within reason centered around the city center. Now most lies behind trees so tall you cant believe there was even a city here to begin with, let alone almost 50000 back in 1986. We drive the main street, which was once lined with flowers, now trees take over and are punching through the road narrowing the way greatly. Some areas you can barely make out the 8-10 story building behind the trees.

Nature has taken over at an amazing rate. As seen from the Drone (Note add more photos)  You can see the powerplant way in the back. I am not allowed to fly to much closer that direction.

We see the famous kindergarten where everyone has already posed dolls and trucks for photos, it is in ruins, piles of clothes liter the floor, there are cots left rotting away.

With that finished we walk through the main square where the largest shop was located, along with that a full theater which still had quite  bit of the gear inside, plus they even still had the old poster boards for around town.

The famous pool, which was in operation till 2001 believe it or not, it now closed, but if you look around closely you can find Pikachu for the deadliest game of pokemon go ever.

Moving on we head to the river, there is a nice café, and the river looks calm, with the exception of the boats sitting on the banks. This is the area with the highest readings for radiation we have seen to date. This was due to the washing of the town which caused a build up on the sides of the stairs.


And of course everyone loves the amusement park. Due to open 5 days after the accident, it never even got a test run.

Then we make a final stop at the Jupiter factory, as I am looking for a specific machine, which I do find, more on that later though. This factory was said to be doing illegal experiments and never actually manufactured a single radio it was said to have, the basement has flooded and the radiation is very high so we don’t enter that area, and the odds of possible mutants, who knows.


I have added a map of our route through town. The town is very odd to walk through when you know what has happened and the lives the accident ruined. It was a very quite day. I feel it is due to the personal side of this section, people lives were overturned just like that, where as in the power plant, it had a neat feeling as it wasn’t personal so to say.

More info:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pripyat

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