The Asbestos capital, no longer mining and mostly abandoned this town only houses a few last remaining people. power has been cut and the mail route shut down years ago. I start the day following the well worn track out of the valley and onto Wittenoom for a peak around.
Signs warn of the dangers that lay ahead, for most I am okay with it, when I get near the old mine its windows up and at one point I even had a short around my face to help. I found a few fibers in the car on the dash, but nothing worse than what you find on a mine here anyways.
Going through the old town site, it used to be a decent size, complete with gem shop and cafe.
It was weird having paved roads to head out on, but they didn’t last long and not long after I was back in the red dirt with a few rivers flowing in the area even. not heavily though.
Leaving Wittenoom
Nice clean water
The old beast posed up at camp, this was my first major trip to break it in, so far it has passed with flying colours.
Bush pin striping is mandatory
And even some of the worst on foot hiking through the thickest spinnafex ever… it was horrid. But worth it.
Not a bad view for a bush camp, there was swimming…and even some little fish. I ended up refilling my water here as I figured it was clean enough.
Empty camp and clear skies