I had a great night out under the stars, went swimming and just enjoyed the area. Since I was nearing my time limit for ice and cold beer and food in general as I was only packing for 4 days at a time I ran into Tom Price to restock, hammering down the road at 130 I got my first puncture, its the same every time, I don’t properly air down and it bites me in the ass…
Found an old camp, well didn’t look to old, then got a flat in the same spot. Jesus Christ, cue wolf creek music.
But I always do some exploring, and found some exploration tracks and headed up
Exploration tracks for iron ore mines
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Camped for the night I had a few repairs, hood liner had broken free, seeds were starting to clog rad and a loose bold on the rear ball joint, nothing a few beers and a small tool kit couldn’t fix