Minimum wind on wake up, Coffee complete, we move to the voting stations, shower? 100% yes.  With the water heated we get clean from the dust of the day past. Today is the test day for the dust issue, we will see if the holes are all sorted and I am pleased to announce we did have a win. well 80%


Heading out further across the land mass in the middle of the flats we cross through a few small villages/farm huts, we buy more wood, 20 pula per bundle. Heading now for Kuba island, and as usual we find a side track and veer away from the island and head directly out into the flats. Following the previous tracks we bus the drone out and continue on, that is until the wagon starts to slide around, the crust is at best 2mm thick and we stop to feel the mud. Time to find a different area and drop the pressures a bit more.

Heading further south we tick past the 15km mark and I feel the wagon start to sink, clicking back into 3rd gear and keeping the throttle on I start edging my way back to shore, I’m not picking up any speed at all, but we get within 10m of shore and the wagon pops back up on top. In the distance we see the vet fence so figure this is a good spot to pull up for the night.  We sit on the edge of the pan looking out into the nothingness, I spot some stuff on the pan, but can never get a fix on what it was, maybe a stuck caravan or car? Unsure.


Dinner is kebabs and gem squash, complete with a cake now baked with chocolate chips, two cars drive past in the night but continue on without stopping, the stars look amazing with no light pollution here.  I decide to see how far we can actually see with our awning lights and start walking out into the darkness

Yelling “can you see me?”

Asareh: “yes”

Walk another 100m

“How about now?”

“Yes keep going…”

Looking around about 250 meters away from camp… nah I’m good I’ll come back now.

I live yet another day.

Kebabs doing there thing

And bonus video from the dusty bit:

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