Yup, this is definitely Asareh. Crazy Iranian Kurd.

I moved to Australia in 2006 and since then I have been working in Mining. Mining cause it has taken me to all different bum fuck places in the middle of no where to many countries. It’s also the closest lifestyle to camping??!!!

As a kid, we always used to go camping with my family, sleeping in tent, campfire all the time and the freedom of running around off the leash.

Apart from doing the dishes and pack up in the morning, I love everything about camping. I also enjoy going to remote places, exploring, getting cuts and bruises finding fire wood, struggling with making a fire in the rain or wind, cooking from fresh local products, making bread on the fire, G&T and beer around the fire, hunting for an excluded place for bathroom while freaking out about Lions, Snakes and other creatures that are a bit more deadlier than me.

I absolutely enjoy meeting new people and seeing how they live. I get a much better and mature perspective on life. The diversity in the world is one of the most beautiful things.

Every new trip and adventure makes me want to explore more and more.

Being a workaholic I rarely took the time to go camping but since our trip in Africa I am adamant to do it more often. I don’t want to die with dreams, I want to die with memories.